April 28, 2007


I was thinking about women and how we relate to numbers. Numbers freak women out - including me! For instance: our shoe sizes. How many women have you seen a woman wearing a pair of mules that are a size and a half too small with the heel of her foot clearly hanging over the back of the shoe? I have, and it looks very painful to me. How about a woman tipping around because her shoes are literally killing her. My shoe size, although I don't like it, is one thing that I cannot deny. I truly cannot stand foot discomfort or foot pain. What about women who cannot own up to size in clothing (me for one). I am highly displeased with my RTW clothing sizes, but I cannot stand to be uncomfortable in my clothes so now I'm buying some 14's and some 16's (eeeeeek). I don't want my clothes squeezing me all day long. The numbers that shows up when I step on the scale are enough to send me into a deep (temporary) depression. My body measurements (which have steadily increased) are not very pleasing to me either. My age, which is another pair of numbers, is just something I am trying not to trip out about, cause it is definately one thing that I cannot change and the alternative is not something I want to deal with. Since I have started trying to get back into my sewing thing - pattern sizes are tripping me out. I keep wanting to cheat on the numbers hoping that "oh well, maybe since I'm in a 16 in RTW surely I can fit into a 16 pattern" - not so!!!! I once heard Oprah say "we have got to own the numbers".

Ok, I'm gonna start owning this pattern number. And I'm going to start owning up to some other things when it comes to sewing, to name a few:
  • I am going to make a pants muslin and learn to make adjustments to my pants pattern with the time I have left this weekend.

  • I am going to pre-shrink my fabric (got some pre-shrinking as I write as a matter of fact).

I am so ready for spring and so ready for spring clothes. I am so tired of dark colors. I am breaking out! I bought this today:

And this:

And this I already had in my stash:

And this is what I am going to sew it all up on:I got a great deal at Tuesday Morning's on Thursday. Regular price $179.00 on sale for $89.99. Plain and simple but I think it will get the job done. My Singer Diana that was about 25 years old bit the dust (would have cost $250.00 to fix). I have a machine, but wanted to make sure I had a back up so this price was marvelous for that reason.

Well will let you know how I'm doing with "OWNING THE NUMBERS".

April 13, 2007


OK, just got the word this afternoon from Loni that she received the box that I sent her with the clothes that I had made her. Here's the skinny: she says the jacket and blouses fit perfectly but the pants are too large in the waist, hips and crouch. Well now I know. I won't be able to sew pants for her unless I am there with her to check on the fit while sewing. I took her measurements and bought the patterns according to the measurements but it still did not work! Well I tried, and I know that she appreciates what I did but I won't be able to make pants again...bo ho, bo ho. I'll just go to town on blouses and tops for her and hopefully that will still help her out with her work wardrobe. She said the jacket fit, and it is a easy pattern with a minimal number of pieces to it so maybe I can make her another jacket or two and she can just buy her pants and jeans.

Another thought, maybe she has an old pair of pants that fit well. Maybe she could send them to me and I could de-construct them to make a pattern. WE WILL SEE!!!!

April 8, 2007

New Top for Loni

Just finished this Lavender knit wrap top for Loni today.

This top is made of a light weight lycra knit. The drape on this hanger does not do it justice. I made this from Butterick 3785. I made it a size larger because of the way lycra hugs you. I made this top using the long sleeved view several weeks ago and she said it fit good and she liked it. Hope she likes this one as well.

Paying Homage to Black Pattern Designers...

...for years February has been set aside as a special time to learn about and recognize accomplishments of African Americans and other peopl...