September 16, 2018

Resurecting My #2018 Make Nine Plans...

...way back in February I decided to take on the 2018 Make Nine sewing challenge.  I thought, "oh, this one's going to be a breeze".  Although the challenge started in January, I still had 11 months to sew up nine garments of my choice. The perimeters of the challenge were so flexible; choose any 9 garments you'd like, and then make them (no rhyme or reason, no coordination).  The very best part of it all - you could change your mind/your choices at any time in the game.  How simple could this be?

Back in February I had no way of telling that summer work life would completely engulf my sewing life.  But it did to the point that I couldn't wrap my mind around sewing and was thrown into the much dreaded makers slump.  Am I the only one this type of thing happens to, or am I the only one who writes about it.
Sadly this is where I left off
And here's where I am now
Row 1:  Burda 6446, Vogue 8859, True Bias Joggers
Row 2:  Butterick 6296, Burda 6428, Butterick 6169
Row 3:  True Bias Lander Pants, Vogue 8601, Butterick 4684

There's one more day of the weekend so let's see what I can get started on...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Comment deleted due to spelling error

      You are 1/3 of the way towards your goal and the year is not over yet. Yes, there are weeks when I'm too tired or stressed to sew. But I'm still buying fabric, lol. Have fun this weekend.

    2. I'm just buying patterns because the selection at my Joann's is so scant. I'm going to keep working on the other 2/3's of this plan.

  2. Anonymous9/16/2018

    Go Faye Go!!!

  3. Anonymous9/16/2018

    Or should I say . . . Sew Faye Sew!!!

    1. Forgot it on this one, too. Summer

  4. Faye, you are such a quick and expert sewer, you won't have any trouble finishing those other garments by the end of the year. Summer tends to be a slow sewing period for me. Too many distractions; family, the outdoors, vacations,etc.

    1. Thank you Audrey. I'm trying my best to get back into the swing of things Audrey.

  5. Ms Faye, you can do it!! The year is not over, and you can always switch out patterns if you want. I don't think I have sewn half of my plans for spring/summer, but they are there as a guideline, and I also sew lot of distractions too. I look forward to seeing what you do!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Vanessa! I love and look forward to seeing your work.

  6. I have not sewn in so long! Yet, take me to sew camp, and Fabric Mart, so I can buy 3 huge bags of fabric, and what happens? 3 dresses and 3 jackets for me, and a whole outfit for baby granddaughter: dress, pants, headband. And I found you on FB! It's been a great weekend. I hope you'll get your 9 done in the next 2 months, Faye! I believe in you!

    1. I was so elated and instantly knew it was you in that picture Marjie - I recognized your beautiful hair! I am so glad you got to go to sew camp and look at the production of your trip - wow! And yes, Facebook is an added bonus!!!

  7. Your plan looks good with some great items. It's really hard to stick with the plan when other things take priority. But, I'm glad you are getting back to it. Don't stress about it though - you'll only get discouraged.

  8. Definitely no need to stress! It may be good to reevaluate too, as mentioned. It's sometimes hard to sew what we think we "should" and sometimes we just have to let our creativity guide us!!



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...for years February has been set aside as a special time to learn about and recognize accomplishments of African Americans and other peopl...