October 12, 2008


I have to post at least once a week so people won't think I've fallen off the planet. I just got back from my second pattern buying trip of the weekend. We can just call this PATTERN WEEK, since each of the big 4 companies were on sale at Hancocks. I promise myself that I will not be going into that store tomorrow even though it will be the last day for the Columbus Day Sale. I won't even take a picture of the patterns I bought....like if the patterns won't be going on sale again next month! I can't help myself, I love new patterns.

I'll have to take some time later to go through all my patterns again to see what duplicates I have - thank goodness they will let me swap them out later. Lord knows I just can't keep up with the system I came up with to keep this from happening. SO I ASK..."WHAT SYSTEM DO YOU PATTERNHOLICS (and I know there are a lot of you out there) USE TO PREVENT BUYING DUPLICATES?" I need some help here!

I had the pleasure of joining my two sewing buddies LISA and EBONY at Lisa's house yesterday. I'll tell you we sewed, talked sewing, ate (great Humming Bird Cake), exchanged ideas, got honest advice, had a show and tell session and got to take our choice of 4 or 5 bags of fabric that Ebony was purging. Need I say it was a very delightful afternoon/evening. I don't think we left until midnight. Lisa's entire living room was encompassed with sewing stuff, ironing board, (she had two sergers already set up, one light and one dark). How good does it get! I am extremely blessed to be involved with these two ladies. I draw so much from Lisa's expertise and from Ebony's youthful creativity...it's priceless!

So where am I on my personal Sewing Adventure? I'M STILL WORKING ON MY MCCALL'S CAPE & SKIRT OUTFIT. Seems like I can't get this thing finished! I have got to get myself into some quick and easy projects. I really don't like projects to take over one week to finish. That prompts another question. "HOW LONG DO MOST OF YOUR PROJECTS TAKE TO COMPLETE!


  1. well my project vary, sometimes it take a few hours to make a knit dress, or a few days to make something more complex with muslin work

  2. I attempted to do a spreadsheet listing all my patterns, which I'd plan to download to my cellphone... but... I have yet to complete it.

    As for sewing projects, it depends on the construction. So far I've been working on a jacket for over a week and so tired of looking at it that I'm losing interest :(

  3. Right now my projects time lines are dictated by my work time line. If I'm busy at work and just feel too tired to sew, then my projects could take weeks....months :{
    If not so busy.. days. I've been pretty busy work wise lately so projects are taking longer. It used to bother me but now I just deal with it and its really ok.
    I started keeping track of my patterns by downloading the pattern picture and saving them on my flicker album. It works well however I haven't taken the time to update that folder every time I buy new ones. I'm thinking a list I can update easily on the computer might be better, and be able to take it to the store when ever needed.

  4. I try to choose patterns and projects that can be completed in a day. It is rare that I get the urge to work on something that takes longer than a day. If the project lasts for more than a day , the chances are greater that it will become a UFO and that is just wasting fabric. I have given up trying to keep track of my patterns are even a binder tracking all of my "successful" projects along with the pattern that I used for it. I guess I just rely on my trusty memory.

  5. Faye .- is difficult to make a calculation of the duration of a project. I particularly dependent on the job for my clients, so usually I always have overdue personal projects, clothes for my sister, and so on.

    The other issue, the duplicate patterns. I have not so far none. I have no list, it seems that I have a good memory ...... uhmmmm. for how long?.

    greetings again. Paco

  6. To avoid buying duplicates, I made a catalog for my envelope patterns. I photocopy the front and back of the envelope and keep these in a binder. I flip through the binder before buying a pattern and hopefully I'll remember what I already have. I don't have lots of envelope patterns, so this system works for me.

    As to how long it takes to complete a project … sometimes days, sometimes weeks. I try to a little something everyday - even if it's only one or two seams. Every little bit helps.



Paying Homage to Black Pattern Designers...

...for years February has been set aside as a special time to learn about and recognize accomplishments of African Americans and other peopl...