July 25, 2013


??? only one blog post for the month of July?  I can't believe it, this is so not like me!  I am rarely at a lost of sewing related conversation.  But my July just turned topsy turvy for me.  Needless to say there was not much sewing going on around here.  Today was my first day of pre-planning for the new high school year.   I know, I can't believe it either, but school actually starts next Thursday, August 1st.  That was the fastest 8 weeks ever!

I didn't take my usual June vacation because airline tickets were off the chart.  I was able to schedule time off during fall break early in October so I still have something great to look forward too.  October will be here before I know it.

Lately I've been dreaming about Fall sewing plans, this is so not like me!  I'm the one that usually has problems switching sewing seasons - always feeling there's so much more I'd love to make for the current season.  Not this year folks!  I've already got plans people; not to mention patterns and fabrics.  Matter of fact,  I can already see myself wearing those first six garments -  in my minds eye that is. I really don't think they'll take much time to whip up either - but that's just my mind talking ya'll.  Jackets, tops and dresses - those six pieces are going to be f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s!

Today at our opening session (over 2,500 teachers present) these were the prominent colors that jumped out at me.

How pretty!  So primary!  So attainable in knit fabrics; and three of these colors are already living in my stash.

Otherwise I have managed to start a nice top - paying homage to my blogger friend Merche and a beautiful Patrones silk top she made back in June.  I started it last weekend and would have finished but for a humbling mistake.  I sewed the necktie on backwards that resulted in it tying on the right instead of the left.  I tried to make myself live with it, but had to grit my teeth to remove all my teeny tiny hand stitches to take it off and do it again.


Of course my fabric is not silk, but it's called Baby Silk Ditzy a 100% polyester picked up at Hancock's on the 1/2 price table.  It sews like a dream and is soft and drapey.  I went back to get more to make a dress, but of course it was already gone.  Someone else found out what a great fabric it was.  I plan on finishing the top over the weekend.

p.s.  I'm not absolutely loving Bloglovin.  It's o.k. but takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r to pull up on my phone even with 4G.  I'm glad that I also transferred over to Feedly.  Just saying...


  1. The right way to tie a scarf is on the left I had no idea! It looks great to me either way (I wouldn't have fixed it and admire you for doing so).

    I haven't tried feedly yet...one thing at a time for me! :)

    1. Yeah Kyle, I really had to fight with myself over doing it over. I only did so because I'm super picky I guess.

  2. I went with feedly myself. It's got a few bugs on my computer, but nothing too annoying.

    Love this top! The fabric is super cute.

    I have the flu now, so no sewing this week. I'll just have to live through you.

    (Also, my liberty fabric is indeed earmarked for blouses.)

    1. The flu?, you poor dear. Get well quickly so you can cut into those liberty fabrics.

  3. Love, love your blouse, then I have to say - wow! 2500 teachers that is a big district. I like feedly quite a bit.

    1. Thanks Lori. It's such a razer cut that I don't know if I can wear it to work, but it will be getting heavy weekend rotation.

  4. lol I almost got excited thinking you were fixing to say 6 piece challenge lol! nice blouse! I've had to learn to love my seam ripper too lol!

  5. The new blouse is really classy looking and will look great with fall colors. The tie didn't look bad at all the first time but I'm sure you feel better making it right. Way to go diving right into Fall fashions. Hope the new school year doesn't interfere too much with you sewing mojo.

  6. The New Top Is So Pretty Faye! I Love It! Didnt Know Abt The Correct side To Tying The Necktie either, Hehe...Look Forward To See Your Fall Projects! ;)

  7. Your this top And the fabric! About Bloglovin', I am not a fan and wished I had used Feedly. I don't know if I can at this time. I mostly just read blogs, though and find this site to be rather bothersome and cluttering.

  8. Nice top and I have missed your posts. Cannot believe school will be back in session soon. Time just flies.

  9. Great top Faye! We too are getting ready for school. Although it doesn't officially start until the 19th, conferences, workshops and all that jazz begin next week! You are so right...October will be here before you know it! Take care!

  10. Very pretty top. Summer is passing fast. Teachers getting ready for the new school year. Moms buying back-to-school gear for their kids. You'll get back in the swing of things as you get your classes organized.

  11. Love the way your top turned out and I admire you for having the patience to un-sew and sew the collar again. The fabric is just gorgeous and I'm so happy to be of a little help in your creations. Love

  12. My mojo has completely disappeared. I've spent the summer working through some heart issues (more annoying that life-threatening) but I have no ambition to sew. Wow, school starts soon for you. Here it won't start until the end of August.

  13. Hi Faye,
    I love your top. I probably would have changed it too. Don't feel bad about not posting. I have been sewing a lot, especially in the past few weeks. Maybe I'll blog about my projects once I return from a trip I'm about to take in the next few days. It's been quite a long time since I've posted on my blog. I read all the other blogs. My daughter is a high school teacher and she just finished up the summer school session yesterday and will be back at work on the 16th for her district. We were just discussing how it seems like school starts earlier than when she was going and definitely when I was, hahaha. I'm looking forward to seeing your fall pieces. I'm thinking of starting fall sewing in August, but we'll see...

  14. You know you are missed when you don't blog :)
    Love the top. This is one of my favorite styles. Great under a jacket too!!

  15. What a super little top - you will get a lot of wear out of it! You have motivated me to dream about my summer wardrobe, and cute little tops like this need to be made ...

  16. I love the top, it is perfect for the summer/fall. Lately my mind has been thinking about fall sewing plans, but it seems like I am loosing focus because school is right around the corner.

  17. Pretty top and as I type blown away that school starts there next week... love your color choices for fall.

  18. Hey there Ms. Faye, nice top! I agree you shouldn't feel bad about not posting for a while, you're in good company, there's a lot of us out there not posting as much as we use too! Life is just getting in the way of our fun!

  19. You are so funny! I wouldn't have given the tie being on the "wrong" side a second thought. Your determination to do things right definitely pays off.

  20. I love the way you did the top. It looks wonderful and the pattern is really interesting. I can’t believe you are getting ready to hit the classes again. At least you have the vacation in October to look forward to.

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