February 28, 2018

#2018 MAKE NINE (Pattern 1)...

...you haven't seen many Burda patterns around here.  I really like their designs, but have probably only made 2 or 3 of them.  Why?, I just can't get used to their instructions or having to search in several places for vital information - it's just not my cup of tea.  I guess I'm just Big 4 (or is it now 5) spoiled.  However, all of a sudden ruffles and flounces are really trending WITH ME.  I spotted two such patterns in their catalog, so I've added them to my new #2018MakeNine list.

Not being a real Burda user, I felt comfortable making a muslin first.  I choose this yukky fabric that made into my cart before you know who closed.  The color is very pretty, but the quality of the fabric - not so much.

I do like the top, and plan on making another in  better quality fabric soon with a few changes: 
  • Reducing the size more in the neck, shoulder and bust area even more
  • Using an alternative method of finishing the neckline.  The pattern uses a self binding that wants to flip out even after being top-stitched down.  I think I can finish the neckline by eliminating the self binding altogether by simply serging first and turning down twice before top-stitching.
  • The flounce is left unfinished which I know is best, but will take getting use to for me. 
  • Now let me get real adventurous (with my pattern designing self) and say that I think the top would benefit from having a center back seam that curves in at the waistline for a better fit.
For me, using any new to me pattern (Burda or otherwise) is a learning experience.  Even though I now consider myself a seasoned sewer, each new to me pattern presents challenges and new opportunities to use and evaluate new techniques.

So one down - and eight more patterns to go...


February 27, 2018


... here I go, sticking my sewing neck out again!  You may remember the "Sweet 16" capsule wardrobe that I started back in the Fall?  I've been a little ashamed to mention it and think the last time I referenced it was back in December.  I made 5 garments of the capsule and shamefully, I guess, lost interest.  I have been sewing, but just not really with the Sweet 16 capsule in mind.

But, here I go, sticking my sewing neck out again!  This time I've gained an interest in the #2018 Make Nine challenge.  This challenge dates back to 2015 and was started by LuckyLucille.  It's an easy challenge, and one that I should be able to stick with all the way through (year) - even though I'm actually starting almost two months behind.

My choices are:  The True Bias Hudson Pant, Vogue 8601, Butterick 6169 jacket, Burda 64258, Vogue8745, Butterick 6296, Burda 6982, Vogue 9181 and Burda 6456

Seems easy enough - right?  To my understanding you just choose 9 patterns to make during the course of the year and post and follow the 2018MakeNine Hashtag.  So in since I plan on sewing anyway, I think it's a nice organized way to get at least these 9 of the patterns out of my head and into my head into my closet.

 Have you heard of or ever participated in one of the #MakeNineChallenges???

February 25, 2018


...truly it was wonderful being a part of the #2018DayandNightDressChallenge hosted by ElizabethMadeThis.  Last year I watch her first challenge from afar in awe of all the marvelous work showcased by the many talented sewists from all over the world.  I had no idea that I would be asked to join this years challenge!  This was really a dream come true, as I always fantasize collaborating in some form or fashion with sewists from the internet sewing community.

Day Dress:  Jasper Sweater/Dress by Paprika Patterns
Night Dress:  McCall's 7622
You can read more about my construction details TODAY at ElizabethMadeThis.com
As it is with all my projects big or small, I do stress just a little bit,  (you can ask my Mother about that because she gets to hear it all folks - poor lady).  With this project it was mostly over pattern selection and choosing suitable fabrics.  I also had another dream come true moment in this challenge; having the opportunity to have my pick of an entire website (Stylish Fabrics.com) for fabric for my night dress. I have to remind myself that "Dreams Do Still Come True"!  I'd like to have that one come true on the regular (lol)!
It turned out that the Black ITY knit was an excellent choice for bringing my vision of a cute, flirty night dress to life.
I'm always in search of Black ITY in my local area because I can use it for so many drapey projects, but it is so rare that I can find it.  So as an added bonus for my readers Stylish Fabrics.com is offering a 25% Discount on their website for Black ITY with the code: "LINDA" (you do remember that's my first name - right (lol), if you would like to have some too. 


February 23, 2018


...of course I bought this pattern
as I imagine lots of us did.  SLEEVES are still trending, I love them all. View D of this pattern really caught my eye,but, I sometimes practicality comes into play.   I could see myself at work fighting with that sleeve all day long.  I might still make it at a later date, but for now the flounced View A brings back memories of a sleeveless top I made way back in the 80's.  I loved that top!  The weather in my area keeps teasing with us (mid 80 degrees) but it's not quite time to go sleeveless. I made  View A to be part of a Carol's Sewing Corner's Facebook Challenge.  She wants to encourage people to sew more wovens.

I'll just call this top a jump start on summer sewing. I'm still sewing mainly from my stash, because let's face it, although I'm thankful to have a Joann's in my city, I'm not having very much fabric purchasing luck there.  I can't tell you much about this fabric, except I think it's some sort of cotton blend.  It raveled a little, but I tamed that with my serger.

I love sewing knits - they are so forgiving.  But when I do venture into woven territory I have to start pulling out references to help manage the fit.

I used this reference to help with a SBA on a princess seam.  It blew my mind when the book suggested a horizontal rather than vertical adjustment; but it makes sense now that I've done it.   I have lots of reference books in my sewing room, but to be honest - I'm not using them to their full potential.  Promise to self: I will commence studying my references more - starting with this one.

What is your favorite fitting reference book???

February 12, 2018


...you've all heard about "Rainy Days in Georgia" - well, we've had 4 of them in a row.  I
the rain, but nothing can be drearier than a rainy Monday.
My rainy Monday got cheered right up when I pulled an envelope containing these goodies from my mailbox this afternoon

2 Spring Issues of Patrones fashion/pattern magazine, tapes with snap closures for necklines, and a big 15" x 23" press cloth.
A great big thank you goes out to my friend, the great fashion designer, Paco Peralta Rovira.  Things like this makes a girl want to run into the sewing room and stitch up something fabulous ...

February 11, 2018



eleven years ago, on February 10th I wrote my first blog post.  1,078 blog posts later it still amazes me that blogging has held my interest for this amount of time - but it has, and yes I still love it.  This is home for me!  It's been a pleasant environment, and I've managed to keep this a no drama zone.  A place for me to write about (and share) my experiences, observations, and opinions mostly about sewing

and sometimes about my

It's the time of year that I take a moment to say thank  you for reading here.  Your connecting with me has made this such a rewarding experience...

February 8, 2018


...it's always so nice coming to this stage of the sewing process.  Especially when the garment you made equals the vision you had at the onset of the project.  I know you are familiar with this sight, you know...the part when you make sure all the used pattern pieces are present and accounted for before folding them as neatly as possible before returning them to their nice little compact envelope.
This was my first pattern choice for my "Night Dress".  I did get a little distracted though and for a couple of days switched to this pattern
I love this pattern and want to make it very soon, but I decided to return to my original vision, McCall's 7622.  Of course this dress took longer than I had planned or expected - all my projects do.  I digress.  If  you recall, there are two dresses involved in the Day and Night Dress Challenge.
In keeping with the contest time frame both my dresses must be finished before February 22nd (my dresses will be revealed here on February 25th.  I imposed the 17th as my completion date in an effort to avoid stress.  You'll be able to see early challenge entries and lots of process photos on Instagram.

Thankfully, both dresses are done! I will talk about the "Day" dress a little bit in my next post - so stay tuned...

Paying Homage to Black Pattern Designers...

...for years February has been set aside as a special time to learn about and recognize accomplishments of African Americans and other peopl...