December 3, 2015

#BLOGLIKECRAZY: WHAT'S GOING ON NOW... you know, my #BlogLikeCrazy challenge was officially over on November 30th.  I must say that the last week of the challenge was the toughest of all, BUT I was DETERMINED to see it through to the very end - and I did!  The thing that helped me most was my Editorial Calendar.  I'd heard of editorial calendars before, and even considered using one but never did.  But for this challenge I thought it wise to take the advice of the challenge organizer, Javacia H. Browser of See Jane Write to put one to work.  And work it did...
My calendar ended up looking a hot mess, but it helped me through 30 days of posting.

On December 1st, the day after the challenged ended, I really wanted to write a blog post because not posting made me feel like something was missing like a long lost friend - so I resisted the urge.  I've even had several people ask "if I was planning on posting EVERY DAY even after the challenge was over".  After that question you could hear the sound of crickets in the room.  Really!, I do love my blog, but I doubt very seriously that I could keep up that pace for very long.

I am one of 8 people that took and finished the challenge and we were all mentioned on the host's blog today - you can also read about the other 7 challenge completers.

Faye of Faye’s Sewing Adventure

Faye Lewis started sewing in junior high and it was tough, but she kept at it for 15 years. Then she stopped. Being a business owner was taking up all her time. “But after several years of searching for a creative outlet, it was God who whispered in my ear ‘Why don’t you start sewing again!'” Faye says. Sewing has been her passion again ever since. Now after blogging every day for 30 days, we’re hoping writing will become a passion of hers too. Follow her sewing and blogging adventures at

#BloggingLikeCrazy was so much fun and a lot of work.  I'd really like to thank the ladies who helped me by doing interviews and guest posts, and of course I'd like to thank you for stopping in and reading here...


  1. I really enjoyed your posts last months, especially the recipe and new-to-me bloggers.

    1. That's so wonderful to know Stephanie! I've wondered how people would receive the #sewing gourmet part of me - but cooking has long been a fun part of my life so I've added it here too. Please keep looking in because I do have lots more to share!

  2. I really enjoyed the few posts I was able to read for the month, you did a AWESOME job! I don't know if I would have been able to handle that much everyday! I went over to check out the other blogger challengers...where the heck was my lovely Ms. Faye's' photo?

    1. I don't know what happened to a photo of me in that article Myra??? No photo, but I'm still so happy that I finished the challenge. Thank you so much for reading here when you can!

  3. I, too, enjoyed your post!! Congratulations on accomplishing your goal!!!!!

    1. Tee thank you so much for reading - it really means a lot believe me!

  4. My hat is off to you for 30 days of posts!

  5. Kudos to you for blogging every day for 30 days - wow.



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