February 29, 2012


...didn't take me very long to become an avid pinner - it's addictive.  Such a nice way to catalog things I love, ideas I want to try, recipes, etc., etc., etc.

I really couldn't wait to adopt this idea...

I remembered to look for this over the door shoe bag on a  Walmart run this afternoon (and I do mean run - got to get in and out of that place before I get sucked into total marketing oblivion).  They had two types; one made of plastic, and this one made of canvas with net pockets that I thought would be more durable.

 I couldn't wait to put it up on the back of my laundry room door  (so very glad the door was able to close with no problem afterwards)!  I might consider getting another one for the bathroom linen closet - space saver.  What a great way to centralize all my cleaning supplies.  Now if only organizing the rest of my life was just this easy.

Have you incorporated an great Pinterest ideas yet???


  1. I have not done the organizational ones yet, but I have use several recipes from interest and haven't had a flop yet!

  2. Faye, Congratulations on getting your organization pieces! I love being organized too!

    I think it's time I give Pinterest a try...can you send me an invite?.

  3. Hi Faye, I've just started using Pinterest recently - mainly for sewing inspiration & tutorials. I've started a pattern wishlist for myself on there - as I always forget the ones I like when those great sales come along (& now I can find them easily). I'm here here on Pinterest! Claire :)

  4. Why do y'all post your Pinterest love without leaving the link for me to follow you over there

  5. I am so addicted to Pinterest. I just need to actually do more of the things I pin.

  6. Count me as one at least semi-addicted to pinterest! Follow me: http://pinterest.com/ellenbehm/ and I'll follow you back!

  7. Pinterest is a great inspiration board and can find myself spending a lot of time on it. Great organization for your household cleaners. I am sheilazthreadz on pinterest.

  8. I love it too. It's so refreshing and bright.

  9. I'm just happy to see that I'm not the only one who buys multiples of the cleaning supplies I use a lot!

  10. I don't know anything about pinterest but I love this over door storage idea! It's brilliant. Thank you for sharing it, I will definitely adopt this idea!



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