- I've used the kitchen table and cut my fabric kneeling on the floor - of course I was younger then,
- sewed in my daughter's bedroom when she was a very little girl,
- once I used one side of the dining room as my studio,
- even sewed in the living room on a coffee table while sitting on the couch,
- my favorite sewing table for a very long time was my childhood desk. It was made of metal and had sentimental value - finally got rid of it, but I still think about it from time to time. Once I had it sitting in one side of a double closet in my bedroom - even had a light installed above it for a very nice setup though a little cramped.
- used a 6 ft. table on a wall adjacent to my bed - had two machines set up on it at all times.
Why the sewing room sentiments??? Well, my room is about to be dismantled once again. This time to guess what?... REMOVE THIS BOTHERSOME CARPET!!! If you've ever sewn in a room with carpet you know the deal... thread, hidden pins, just a real mess. The carpet should have been removed after the room was painted, but hindsight as they say is 20/20. It's coming out now, and that's all that matters. I'm ELATED! Refinishing the living room floor was such a success, and I'm hoping for the same for this room too.
Shouldn't take long, but that's never the case. Regardless I'm not going to be put out of commission - I've sewn every where. So I'll relocate to the kitchen again - who needs to cook anyways????