I'm just checking in so you don't think I've disappeared. I still have four more weeks left in this quarter - THEN I CAN FEEL FREE TO SEW AGAIN without guilt. It has been so hard! I work on my online class on the computer that's in my sewing room, and I haven't been able to touch the sewing machine in over a month. It's just awful!!! But, I did sneak and cut a muslin for this jacket today. It felt so good. I was operating under some type of delusion that I might be able to get the muslin stitched up today, but I was only kidding myself. But I did get it altered, cut out, and marked - that's better than nothing I guess. My plan is to make two of these jackets to match the last two pairs of pants that I made (I probably mentioned that before). If I can get these two unlined jackets made, I'll have two brand new suits to wear. That would make me feel so good!

I need to get those two jackets made before I start on the Chanel sew-a-long. I don't anticipate being able to start the Chanelish jacket until after September 15th. But I think starting on or after that date will give me plenty of time to get the jacket completed by November 15th. I have started pulling information together to assist me in making the jacket. I've got several threads articles that I've been reading up on as time has permitted; and I just ordered the Claire Shafer "Couture Sewing" book on this past Friday. I guess I won't pick out my lining, buttons, trim, and get my chain until mid September either, unless I just happen to run into something I like before that time. I don't want to start the jacket until I have good amounts of uninterrupted time to devote to it. I'll have a week and a half between quarters so I think that will be a good time to start. My next and FINAL quarter will start on September 29th. And on December 18th (end of the quarter) I am going to give myself a great big party - for finishing this degree and for my birthday!!!
That's all of my sewing related news - if you can call it news. I'm thinking about sewing, but thinking about it isn't sewing....or is it?
So philosphical... Thinking about sewing is def. part of sewing, most of the time. (Sometimes we just cut into fabric and improvise something, but most of the time I think and plan before I cut.) Two jackets in the next month plus school is a big goal but how much momentum will that create going into the Chanel jacket? Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteFaye....thinking about sewing...planning..thinking some more... It's all part of the process..in my mind...it counts :)
ReplyDeleteThinking about it sure is sewing to me! *LOL* Or I would never get anything completed!
ReplyDeleteI agree thinking about sewing is nearly like sewing...hehe. I like the McCall jacket - need to add to my sewing list. I like the simplicity of it.
ReplyDeleteI echo their sentiments. I have that pattern in my stash. Never used it. I'm interested to hear about your experience.
ReplyDeleteAt least you're busy with school. I think I'm in a dry spell and it scares me.
ReplyDeleteIt's great to hear form you. I know you'll be glad when your classes are over. At least you got to mess with some fabric! I've been sewing, but not real stuff; dress up clothes for a grand, reusable sandwich bags, etc.... I need to make a real dress. I guess it'll be Halloween costumes next, though. They'll be fun though.
ReplyDeleteEven though you aren't technically sewing, the thought process is still part of sewing in my opinion. I got my copy of Couture Sewing last night and started reading it over breakfast this morning. I think you're going to like it! The Chanel jacket sewalong is sure to test us all, but I think we'll learn a great deal
ReplyDeleteThinking about sewing is part of the process, but I think I know how you feel. You aren't really sewing and that is what you truly want to do! It is like the sewing items taunt you!
ReplyDeleteOh man, I would be going crazy if I couldn't sew! I feel for you!
ReplyDeleteHey Faye...it is called mental sewing (lol). Been thinking about that Chanel Jacket sew-along too. Got to get my hands on some fabric, trims, etc. before I can actually commit. Hats off to you on those courses. Talk soon
ReplyDeleteThinking and in my case constantly day dreaming about all the sewing I want to do can be therapeutic.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I will be following your progress with the Chanel jacket sew along.