I need to get those two jackets made before I start on the Chanel sew-a-long. I don't anticipate being able to start the Chanelish jacket until after September 15th. But I think starting on or after that date will give me plenty of time to get the jacket completed by November 15th. I have started pulling information together to assist me in making the jacket. I've got several threads articles that I've been reading up on as time has permitted; and I just ordered the Claire Shafer "Couture Sewing" book on this past Friday. I guess I won't pick out my lining, buttons, trim, and get my chain until mid September either, unless I just happen to run into something I like before that time. I don't want to start the jacket until I have good amounts of uninterrupted time to devote to it. I'll have a week and a half between quarters so I think that will be a good time to start. My next and FINAL quarter will start on September 29th. And on December 18th (end of the quarter) I am going to give myself a great big party - for finishing this degree and for my birthday!!!
That's all of my sewing related news - if you can call it news. I'm thinking about sewing, but thinking about it isn't sewing....or is it?
If I get into this master's program I am applying for that is my great sadness. That I won't have time to sew. sniff.... But the end result will be worth it just like it will be for you!
ReplyDeleteHey there! Good hearing from you. It has to be very tempting not to want to sew when your computer is in the same location as your sewing room. Hope you're getting some rest in between. Take care and we look forward to seeing more of your wonderful creations!
ReplyDeleteWow you have alot going on. Good luck with school. Sewing will always be here in some capacity but it is soothing to just think about it sometimes if you are unable to actually do it.
ReplyDeleteHang in there Faye. School does come to an end...some day :) I'm glad you got a chance to cut your muslin. Keep on thinking about sewing until you have some time to actually use your machine.
ReplyDeleteCarlaF-in Atlanta